Research Plan
- Strongly recommended to complete before starting your experiment - it will save you a lot of time!
- Only available as microsoft word file.
- To open in google docs: download a copy to your local machine, open google docs, open file picker, upload and select the downloaded file on your machine.
- Complete and save as a pdf when uploading.
- Science Projects
- Engineering Projects
Display Slides (Junior and Senior only)
Slides are used for preliminary judging in addition to a display board for in-person judging. The requirements are as follows for Display Slides:
- 12 Slide Maximum
- PDF files are the only file type that will be accepted.
- Edit the files in Powerpoint or Google Slides and export into a pdf when complete.
- For Google Slides to download a pdf of your display: File > Download > PDF
- For Google Slides copy the template to your drive: File > Make a copy > Entire Presentation
- Font and Font Size
- Minimum: 14 pt.
- Recommended: 18 pt.
- 10 pt. may be used for figure captions or photo credits.
- Use a readable font like Arial, Times New Roman or similar.
- Do not include your name or school on the slides; only Project ID, Category and Division.
- Videos are not allowed to be embedded into the document.
- Templates do not have to be followed, are provided as a starting point.
- Complete requirements for Display Slides
Display Slide Templates (save as a pdf for upload)
- Science Project
- Engineering Project
- Math and Computer Science